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2022 Corporate Responsibility Report

Climate target achievement KPI

At the end of the year, our progress toward our targets was as had been forecast.

Electricity from 100 percent renewable energies
Since 2021, 100 percent of the electricity we use, Group-wide, has been sourced from renewable energies (Scope 2).

Climate neutrality by 2025 (Scope 1 and 2)
Our targets call for us to reduce our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions img by up to 95 percent, with respect to their 2017 levels, by 2025, and to offset all remaining emissions, via suitable measures, in order to achieve climate neutrality in our operations.

In the year under review, we reduced our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 94 percent with respect to their 2017 levels.

25 percent reduction of per-customer Scope 3 emissions by 2030
For reasons of transparency, we are once again reporting the previous Scope 3 climate target for 2030 in this reporting year, which relates to the number of customers. This describes the reduction of Scope 3 emissions per customer by 25 percent (2017–2030). Relevant for the calculation are the Scope 3 categories: Purchased goods and services, Capital goods, Use of sold products, Rented or leased equipment.

The figure for the base year 2017 was corrected in comparison with the prior-year reporting due to a different basis of calculation. The reason for this is the exclusion of the units T-Mobile Netherlands and Telekom Romania, which have since been sold, from the base year and from the target figure. The customer figures excluding wholesale customers are used for the calculation.

In the year under review, we reduced our per-customer Scope 3 emissions by 1 percent with respect to their 2017 level.

Climate neutrality by 2040
We want to be climate neutral in all three Scopes by 2040 at the latest, so that we no longer have a carbon footprint at all. To date, we have achieved 10 percent of this ambitious target. To allow us to better monitor our progress, in 2023 we replaced our interim target of reducing Scope 3 emissions by 25 percent per customer (compared to 2017) by 2030 with a more ambitious interim target: by 2030, we want to have achieved an absolute reduction of 55 percent in Scope 1–3 emissions (compared to 2020).


Reporting against standards

Global Reportung Initiative (GRI)

  • GRI 305-5 (Emissions)