S.A. de C.V.

Carlos Celaya Vargas, Managing Director, T-Systems México S.A. de C.V.

Carlos Celaya Vargas
Managing Director
T-Systems Mexico S.A. de C.V.

At T-Systems Mexico, we are committed to implementing sustainability along our entire value chain and to playing an important role in meeting today’s environmental, social and governance challenges. We focus on shared values and exemplify them to our collaborators and clients through the services we provide.

We support Deutsche Telekom’s strategy by acting as a benchmark for people and institutions on matters relating to social inclusion, education, culture, and the environment. 

Our company strives to achieve digital inclusion and social equality through a range of different initiatives, development of innovative projects, and providing support and resources to each area of commitment. We see our role as being an agent of change for our collaborators, clients, and partners, working together in coordinating efforts and generating maximum social impact to build an efficient, flexible and transparent organization.


Key facts at a glance

Markets, business areas and market share  

Mexico is currently the 15th largest economy worldwide. The IT Services market growth is approx. 6.9 percent (CAGR 2022-2024).

The main focus industries for T-Systems Mexico are manufacturing and the public sector.

Number of customers   Approx. 170
Number of employees   941
Shareholding of Deutsche Telekom AG since   2006

ISO 9001:2015   
ISO 14001 img:2015
ISO 45001:2018  
NMX-R-025-SCFI-2015 – Labor Equality and Non-Discrimination Certificate
ISO 37001:2016 – Anti-Bribery Management Systems
Great Place to Work  
Socially Responsible Company – ESR

Please refer to the internet for further information   www.t-systems.com.mx
Local CR reports  


Awards, memberships and collaboration/participation in political dialogues (national/international)

Certification Great Place to Work – “A great place to work is one where you trust the people you work for, are proud of what you do, and empathize with your co-workers.” In 2022, T-Systems Mexico was recognized as one of the best companies to work for in Mexico by the Great Place to Work Institute, exceeding the average results obtained by other companies in the country.

The ranking draws up and publishes lists of the best companies to work for in a range of different countries. The ranking is based on analysis of the organizational climate in each of the participating companies. T-Systems Mexico is proudly one of the best companies to work for in Mexico. 

Socially Responsible Company Distinction (ESR) – T-Systems Mexico earned the Socially Responsible Company Distinction for the fifth consecutive year. This distinction is conferred on leading companies that achieve accreditation and recognition in the public domain for their dedication to contributing social value as part of their operations. They also need to make a voluntary and public commitment to issues related to quality of life in the company, business ethics, linking the company with the community, care and preservation of the environment, and CR management.

EXPANSION – T-Systems Mexico has sought to adopt and promote the pillars of ESG img – Environmental, Social and Governance – in its operations. This is why Grupo Expansión and the Schulich School of Business recognize T-Systems Mexico within the ranking of companies in Mexico as “Responsible Companies”. During 2022, we achieved sixth place overall and first place in the social sphere. T-Systems Mexico has succeeded in moving up in this ranking, highlighting the importance of the ESG pillars in the company's operations within a group of 131 Mexican companies.

Certificate of Labor Equality and Non-Discrimination – We underwent an auditing process carried out by the Inter-institutional Council made up of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS), the National Institute of Women (Inmujeres), and the National Council for Prevention of Discrimination (Conapred).

AMITI – Over a period of several years, T-Systems Mexico has been part of the Mexican Association of the Information Technology Industry (AMITI). Since August 2021, we have been part of the Subcommittee of Girls and Women in ICT of the AMITI WIT. Apart from using it as a network to link up with other companies in the sector, the main objective of our participation in the subcommittee is to promote inclusion and gender equality at T-Systems. This includes launching an initiative giving talks to girls and young people on IT topics, while also familiarizing them with technology and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) careers.

CAMEXA – The Mexican-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry. T-Systems is a partner company within CAMEXA promoting diversity and inclusion. The CAMEXA initiative aims to create a cooperation network and foster integration of companies on diversity and inclusion issues through exchanges that facilitate the generation of synergies and initiatives in business. The goal is to publish best practices relating to these important topics.

WEP – The Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) are a set of Principles offering guidance to business on how to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace, marketplace, and community. Established by the UN Global Compact and UN Women, the WEPs are informed by international labor and human rights standards and grounded in the recognition that businesses have a stake in, and a responsibility for, gender equality and women’s empowerment.

WEPs are a primary vehicle for corporate delivery on gender equality dimensions of the 2030 agenda and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals img. T-Systems already belongs to the UN group on gender issues and on February 2022 T-Systems Mexico was accepted as a member.

Quality Education (SDG 4)

Promotion of quality education through the implementation of programs and activities in collaboration with “Enseña por México”. The project included a donation of books to encourage reading and bring sources of knowledge to children with limited resources and without access to quality education. 

CODIGOS (Digital Constellations with a Social Purpose) empower us to encourage the promotion of social-impact enterprises based on information technologies in the areas of health, education, employment, and financial inclusion in order to create joined-up digital solutions that contribute to moving toward a more inclusive society. This in turn helps to reduce social and economic gaps.

Quality education is managed in a comprehensive manner for students, children and their families. This is why we launched a museum visit program to promote interaction within recreational spaces that facilitate knowledge acquisition and promotion of cultural activities.

Additionally, we seek to promote education with scholarships. That’s why we provide 100-percent scholarships requested by employees’ relatives based on established policies, donations, and alliances that ensure the potential of quality education.

Gender Equality (SDG 5)

We continue to work on strengthening gender equality and the empowerment of women through involvement in various networks and by implementing measures.

These include our partnership with CAMEXA, the Mexican – German Chamber of Commerce and Industry. T-Systems is a partner company within CAMEXA promoting diversity and inclusion. The CAMEXA initiative aims to create a cooperation network and foster integration of companies on diversity and inclusion issues through exchanges that facilitate the generation of synergies and initiatives in business. 

In addition, since August 2021, we have been part of the subcommittee of Girls and Women in ICT of the AMITI WIT. Apart from using it as a network to link up with other companies in the sector, the main objective of our participation in the subcommittee is to promote inclusion and gender equality at T-Systems. This includes launching an initiative giving talks to girls and young people on IT topics, while also familiarizing them with technology and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) careers.

We have maintained our certification of Labor Equality and Non-Discrimination, just as we have promoted LEX sessions about Women in Technology, What are the Micromachismos sessions, and other talks that sought to reinforce our commitment to gender equality. 

Furthermore, we work in conjunction with the Global Community of Diversity DT. The goal of this community is to achieve gender equality through a policy of diversity and inclusion. It demonstrates our commitment to promoting equality between our employees and our community.

Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG 7)

We strengthen environmental transformation and climate neutrality. Our efforts are focused on adding clean and affordable energy to our activities. We purchase renewable energy through I-REC certificates. Having renewable energy certificates is an achievement in Mexico because the Federal Government made changes in its reform and this affects the purchase of renewable energy and certificates.

We ensure access for clean energy by operating in buildings with LEED Certification. In 2020, we relocated to the Tandra Building, which has been awarded with the certificate of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. Furthermore, the corporate building in Polanco achieved LEED GOLD Certification to position us among the highest-ranked category of corporates nationwide with leading-edge, optimum standards. Today, both the buildings where we operate have been awarded the certification system for sustainable buildings developed by the United States Green Building Council (US Green Building Council).

The ISO 14001 img standard for Environmental Management Systems (EMS) is the result of our efforts and routine work every day relating to responsibility and commitment to protecting the environment. An audit img process enables us to maintain our certification and demonstrate our commitment to protecting the environment. 

Our dedication to measures related to the environment motivates us to pursue a permanent energy-saving program. It seeks to reduce our consumption on a monthly basis, encourage savings and promote sustainability practices.

Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8)

We promote inclusive economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for everyone involved with T-Systems: employees, suppliers, and customers.

We align with UN priorities by looking after migrant workers, protecting labor rights, promoting Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises, formalizing the informal economy, remedying wage inequality, ensuring full employment, eliminating all forms of child labor and unemployment among young people.

Several internal projects seek to encourage employees in various areas, ranging from personal development to how to improve their quality of life. 

Percipio and Coursera exemplify this approach. They provide a suite of courses leading to certificates after successfully completing each course. The initiative also develops channels for improving the service to clients. 

Deployment of the Employee Experience Program. In the interests of the wellbeing of our collaborators, we seek to create a good experience through working with us. Our aim is to be a great company by achieving high performance and providing the best employee experience in a great place to work.

We promote wellness programs through the “por T program”, such as the T-Systems Mexico 4.0 Challenge, Living Culture Day, Open House Puebla, football tournament, and celebrations such as Children´s Day, Mother´s Day and Father´s Day that seek to promote unity and coexistence among collaborators and the entire T-Systems Mexico community.

We developed areas for the wellbeing and recreation of our collaborators. These include our in-house dedicated meditation area, a terrace and a karaoke room, an activity area for recreation and rest, and a lactation room for the use of our community.

We support our employees through transformation of the working environment and corporate culture, and by creating communities like LEX, Social Impact Committee, Leaders and Wellness. We also belong to the International Cultural Change team to promote T-Mindset

The Decidalo rate and employee feedback have also been improved with implementation of recognition programs and policies, rating as Top Performers, Proud Recognition Wall and Horizontal Recognition.

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (SDG 9)

We promote Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure in T-Systsems Mexico through our innovative products and solutions, and by building resilient infrastructure, promoting sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation.

CODIGOS (Digital Constellations with a Social Purpose) empower us to promote innovation while we also encourage the promotion of social impact enterprises based on information technologies. During 2022, we promoted five startups in the areas of health, education, employment, and financial inclusion in order to create joined-up digital solutions that contribute to moving toward a more inclusive society. This in turn helps us to reduce social and economic gaps.

We deploy and adopt various programs such as An Ethical Guide. This is an Artificial Intelligence project highlighting the protocols and rules in a system controlled by A.I. Syrah is a shared application that enables you to review the KPIs and differentiators of a company in relation to its results in Corporate Responsibility. The application was launched in collaboration with other LBU´s.

More than 80 innovative ideas in the Global Innovation Portal WAI were shared thanks to the What An Idea program. This served to promote innovative thinking in our community.

We are only allied and partnered with datacenters that have sustainability and environmental certifications. Our datacenter provider currently has several certifications in Green DC, CEEDA (Certified Energy Efficient Datacenter Award), ISO 14001 img, and ICREA (International Computer Room Experts’ Association).

Climate Action (SDG 13)

We take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. That’s why we are implementing various climate protection measures, including the following:

Recycling, sale, and donation of used and obsolete equipment:
T-Systems Mexico has a rolling program involving donation of obsolete equipment in good condition to educational institutions, not-for-profit organizations, and foundations with limited resources in order to promote collaboration among the beneficiaries. A permanent disposal program also operates with a professional company specializing in ecofriendly recycling for end-of-life equipment. The company is certified by state and federal environmental authorities.

This is part of our permanent recycling processes, since we not only focus on the recycling of equipment and/or IT scrap, we also maintain our internal processes for recycling articles and recycling coffee capsules. Making arrangements for adequate final disposal of all items, always taking care to reduce our climate impact, promoting more environmental practices and environmental awareness provides support for associations and social causes through proper management of our waste.

We cut down energy consumption by rolling out new technologies in lighting and air systems, in conjunction with LED and smart lighting, and our LEED building. 

We promote environmental practices by making small changes which lead to great actions, such as our day without meat, which sought to raise awareness about environmental guidelines and our diet. There is also the internal campaign to reduce non-reusable containers, and potentiating the use of glasses and cups to reduce waste generation. A further internal campaign is directed toward reducing the use and consumption of paper. This targets the reduction of paper consumption, avoidance of wear and tear, and excessive use of toner cartridges.

Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (SDG 16)

The objective of this mission is to promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies, update all our policies and provide access to all employees, clients, and suppliers in order to leverage and improve internal processes.

The following guidelines aim to make clients, suppliers, and employee aware of the transparency and efficiency of our services. This generates more projects and the benefit is more satisfied clients: 

  • Risk Prevention Policy NOM 035
  • Policy of Respect for Integrity
  • Code of Ethics
  • Global Procurement Policy
  • Compliance Manual
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Guiding Principles
  • ISO 37001 Anti-bribery Management System
  • Policy of Acceptance and granting of benefits

Recently, we had a compliance visit confirming total implementation of the Compliance Management System. A surveillance audit img during 2022 also yielded zero findings on our Anti-Bribery Management System. That means we are successfully maintaining our ISO 37001 Certification.

Violations of our guidelines can be reported at any time on the “AskMe” and “TellMe” portals.

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