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2022 Corporate Responsibility Report

Awards for CR reporting

First place in the ranking of sustainability reports
In 2022, our CR reporting took first place in an independent, cross-industry ranking of sustainability reports. Based on a comprehensive set of social, ecological, management-related, and communication-related criteria, the Institute for Ecological Economic Research (IÖW), together with the business association Future, regularly ranks the sustainability reporting of major German companies, as well as smaller and medium-sized companies. The ranking is supported by the German Federal Ministry for Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS).

Second place in the CSR Benchmark for best digital sustainability communication
We took second place in the NetFederation Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) benchmarks in 2022 (2021: first place). To calculate the CSR Benchmark, the CSR websites of 50 selected major companies with corporate structures were analyzed and examined based on 58 differently weighted criteria, which are assigned to the three categories “Attitude and credibility,” “Reporting and publications,” and “Facts and KPIs”.  The NetFed benchmark is an annual study on the current status of digital sustainability communication. The key questions in the 2022 study were, “What is the level of digitalization in CSR communications?” and “Which information and services do the companies provide to interested parties?”

Silver and bronze MERCURY Awards for our CR Report
At the 2021/2022 MERCURY Awards, our Corporate Responsibility Report won the silver prize as best report in two categories: Corporate Social Responsibility and Interactive (there was no gold award winner). We took third place in the category Sustainability Report, winning the bronze award. The MERCURY Awards honor outstanding international performance in the different areas of public relations work. The independent jury assesses the use of imaginative ideas, how well the information is visualized, and the general expression of the message, among other factors.