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2022 Corporate Responsibility Report

Impact measurement: “AwareNessi, the Cyber-Activity Book”, makes it fun to learn about data security

Children today begin using the internet at very young ages. Not enough is being done to enlighten them about the “facts of data security,” however. Deutsche Telekom is now publishing “AwareNessi – The Fantastic Cyber-Activity Book”, a magazine for children between the ages of eight and twelve (and their parents) that informs children about the dangers lurking on the internet in a fun and entertaining way – without making them afraid.

“AwareNessi” helps parents talk with their children about this issue and teach them to use the internet with care (SDG 4).

This offering also contributes to the following SDGs:

  • SDGs 5 and 10: “AwareNessi” is a gender-neutral avatar. The magazine uses gender-neutral language that is appropriate for children.
  • SDG 9: “AwareNessi” advises children and parents with regard to use of security tools in cyberspace, without mentioning any brand names.
  • SDG 12: Issues of “AwareNessi” are available in digital form, for printout only as necessary. This helps reduce paper waste.
  • SDG 16: For each issue of “AwareNessi,” our employees volunteer 60 hours of their time (for development, design, and communication). In addition to helping make children aware about data security, “AwareNessi” promotes respectful conduct and interaction online.
  • SDG 17: The issues are available in 16 different languages. Consequently, “AwareNessi” provides reliable information about data security internationally.

We have awarded this solution our #GoodMagenta label.