
Climate protection
Corporate cultur
Sevice quality
January, 2021

Succession management ensuring our company is ready for the future

Top-level management plays a key role in the business success of a company. If managers at that level leave the company, their position must be filled...

Top-level management plays a key role in the business success of a company. If managers at that level leave the company, their position must be filled in a timely manner, with a qualified candidate. Since 2017, we have a global systematic succession management process, which obligates around 1,700 managers in executive positions to be involved in succession planning. The process helps these managers to decide who could serve as their direct successor and who has the potential to take on their role in the mid-term. A digital platform helps executives with the nomination process.
In 2020, 4,400 potential candidates (DT internal and external, 25 percent of which were female professionals) were evaluated at special succession meetings. Successors get full transparency about the positions they are nominated to and their readiness to take on the role. This nomination and feedbackprocess is a valuable intrument to identify in a timely manner highly qualified successionb candidates in order to minimize the risk of any placement gaps. Furthermore Succession Management supports the internal mobility of executives within Deutsche Telekom.

November, 2020

Encouraging talent

In 2020 we closed the Global Talent Pool of 2019 and were working on a new concept of talent management, which is launched in the fall of 2020. The ne...

In 2020 we closed the Global Talent Pool of 2019 and were working on a new concept of talent management, which is launched in the fall of 2020. The new concept focuses on identification, validation and long-term development of talents with the aim of placing them into strategically critical roles. In this new concept we allow leadership to identify employees with potential but also employees can raise their hands to be assessed. Employees go through a validation process of personality assessment and structured interviews, upon which leadership selects the future members of the hub – best matching role requirements. In the hub they will have a personal advisor brokering them to opportunities in line with their potential and targeted critical role. Our Board members are patrons and a broad group of business leaders serve as business sponsors of the hub. They mentor, make talents visible and open doors for them.  In the hub we will work on the development of members on the long-term, over multiple career steps.

October, 2020

Skills management in the digital age: skillsUP!

There are 5,500 different job descriptions at Deutsche Telekom in Germany alone. As digitalization progresses, many of them no longer match the tasks...

There are 5,500 different job descriptions at Deutsche Telekom in Germany alone. As digitalization progresses, many of them no longer match the tasks and skills now required.
The skillsUP! program launched in 2018 aims to cut the number of job profiles to less than 1,000 and adapt them so that they last for the next three to five years. However, skillsUP! involves more than just modernizing job profiles. The new, up-to-date job descriptions are linked to the Group’s skills management so as to ensure holistic, integrated HR planning, make it easier to identify possible gaps in required skills, initiate training measures, or advertise new jobs. Deutsche Telekom is the first large German company to have such a mechanism. skillsUP! is the Group-wide implementation of several pilot projects that have been conducted since 2016.

March, 2020

Everyone needs education – education needs everyone

With the "Everyone needs education education needs everyone" project, Deutsche Telekom and Deutsche Telekom Stiftung support the corporate volunteeri...

With the "Everyone needs education – education needs everyone" project, Deutsche Telekom and Deutsche Telekom Stiftung support the corporate volunteering efforts of Telekom employees at day care centers and schools since 2010. Employees who engage as volunteer readers or offer workskhops for programming with microcontrollers in schools can apply for sponsorship with Deutsche Telekom Stiftung.

January, 2020

Unser Diversity Engagement zahlt sich aus.

After Telekom signed the UN Women Empowerment principles in 2015, we also signed the UN LGBT standards in 2019. For our work on equality, we received...

After Telekom signed the UN Women Empowerment principles in 2015, we also signed the UN LGBT standards in 2019. For our work on equality, we received the Female Recruiting Award at women @ work fair in 2019. The magazine Brigitte honored Deutsche Telekom as one of the best employers for women and in the "Gender Diversity Index" of the Boston Consulting Group Deutsche Telekom achieved first place in the DAX 30 companies.

January, 2020

Unser Diversity Engagement zahlt sich aus.

After Telekom signed the UN Women Empowerment principles in 2015, we also signed the UN LGBT standards in 2019. For our work on equality, we received...

After Telekom signed the UN Women Empowerment principles in 2015, we also signed the UN LGBT standards in 2019. For our work on equality, we received the Female Recruiting Award at women @ work fair in 2019. The magazine Brigitte honored Deutsche Telekom as one of the best employers for women and in the "Gender Diversity Index" of the Boston Consulting Group Deutsche Telekom achieved first place in the DAX 30 companies.

January, 2020

Training program prepares for supervisory board positions

In 2014 we became the first DAX company to develop a training program to prepare employees for supervisory board positions. The program was developed...

In 2014 we became the first DAX company to develop a training program to prepare employees for supervisory board positions. The program was developed in collaboration with the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT). We are particularly interested in encouraging women to take a seat on the supervisory board. In addition to information on the traditional activities of supervisory board members, the training also provided insight into practical experiences presented by supervisory board members, case studies from the Group, and a simulated supervisory board meeting.
We also offered additional workshops for former program participants on topics such as “What’s new in corporate governance” and leadership networks.

January, 2020

Employee diversity networks

Many of our employees are involved in addressing various aspects of diversity, for example as members of the numerous women’s networks that have bee...

Many of our employees are involved in addressing various aspects of diversity, for example as members of the numerous women’s networks that have been established within the Group thanks to their commitment. Another internal initiative is MagentaPride, a network of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual employees. Established in 2002, it is committed to eliminating prejudices and promoting diversity. The network supports the LGBT community, answers questions, and assists with difficult situations in day-to-day life. MagentaPride goes to pride parades together and also organizes diversity days and workshops. In recent years, around 250 employees have represented MagentaPride at ColognePride.

January, 2020

European Diversity Pledge

In 2018, we signed the European Diversity Pledge part of the “Embrace Difference” initiative set up by the European Round Table of Industrialists...

In 2018, we signed the European Diversity Pledge – part of the “Embrace Difference” initiative set up by the European Round Table of Industrialists. More than 50 companies are among the signatories. They pledge to create an environment in which all employees can achieve their full potential.

January, 2020

Commitment to the Diversity Charter

The Diversity Charter is an independent economic initiative that is supported by around 3300 companies and institutions in Germany. Its goal is to pro...

The Diversity Charter is an independent economic initiative that is supported by around 3300 companies and institutions in Germany. Its goal is to promote the recognition, appreciation, and inclusion of diversity in everyday working life in Germany, creating a work environment that is free of prejudice. Deutsche Telekom is a founding member of the initiative.
As in past years, we participated in the seventh nationwide German Diversity Day in 2019. In addition to a conference with around 150 managers from partner companies in the Rhine-Ruhr network participated, the Deutsche Telekom headquarters in Bonn hosted a exhibition with fact, figures and statements from Board Members and employees to show how diverse DTAG is.
