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Governance June, 2024

References to Information published by Deutsche Telekom Major Group Companies and Respective Overview

Deutsche Telekom comprises a number of major subsidiaries operating in different countries respectively regions. Several of them are listed stock corp...

Deutsche Telekom comprises a number of major subsidiaries operating in different countries respectively regions. Several of them are listed stock corporations in their own right and publish as such comprehensive information on their respective sub-group, including inter alia their subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes. In order to access such information, please find the following references to the sub-group reportings for 2023, 2022 and 2021 years:

1)    T-Mobile US

a)    T-Mobile US – Annual Report 2021
Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes of publicly-listed US-subsidiary, see pages  33, 36, 72, 45-47, 53, 71, 103-105 etc.

b)    T-Mobile US - Annual Report 2022
Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/ losses and taxes of publicly-listed US-subsidiary, see pages 32, 34, 42-44, 49, 68-69, 101-103

c)    T-Mobile US- Annual Report 2023
Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/ losses and taxes of publicly-listed US-subsidiary, see pages 34, 37, 43-45, 51, 69, 93-95

2)    OTE

a)    OTE - Annual Report 2021
Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes of publicly-listed Greece-subsidiary, see pages 108-109, 113-116, 125 etc.

b)    OTE - Annual Report 2022
Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes of publicly-listed Greece-subsidiary, see pages 109-1110, 114-117, 125 etc.

c)    OTE – Annual Report 2023 to be published soon, checkOTE Annual Report Website

3)    MAGYAR

a)    MAGYAR Telekom - consolidated annual report 2021
Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes of publicly-listed Hungary-subsidiary, see pages 6-10, 14, 52-56, 69, 82 etc.

b)    MAGYAR Telekom - consolidated annual report 2022
Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes of publicly-listed Hungary-subsidiary, see pages 7-11, 15, 20, 60-63, 205-207 etc.

c)    MAGYAR Telekom - consolidated annual report 2023
Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes of publicly-listed Hungary-subsidiary, see pages 9-13, 17, 62-65, 210-213 etc.

4)    Hrvatski Telekom

a)    Hrvatski Telekom_Croatia_Annual Report 2021
Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes of publicly-listed Croatia-subsidiary, see pages 46-47, 54-60, 76-77, 92-97,112-113, 122-123 etc.

b)    Hrvatski Telekom_Croatia_Annual Report 2022
Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes of publicly-listed Croatia-subsidiary, see pages 42-43, 47-52, 64-67, 78-83, 100, 110-111 etc.

c)    Hrvatski Telekom Croatia Annual Report 2023
Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes of publicly-listed Croatia-subsidiary, see pages 42-43, 48-55, 74-80, 94, 99-100, 104 etc.

Furthermore, there are also several other unlisted subsidiaries of Deutsche Telekom that publish comprehensive relevant information. In order to access such information, please find the following references to their reportings for 2020, 2021, 2022 & 2023:

1)    T-Mobile Czech

a)    T-Mobile Czech_Annual Report 2021
Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes of Czech Republic Holding-subsidiary, see pages 14-15, 18-19, 78, 90-91, 108, 134 etc.

b)    T-Mobile Czech Annual Report 2022
Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes of Czech Republic Holding-subsidiary, see pages 10, 13, 62-63, 74, 92-93, 108, 120

c)    T-Mobile Czech annual report for 2023 to be published soon; check T-Mobile Czech-website T-Mobile CZ Website

2)    Slovak Telekom

a)    Slovak Telekom Annual Report 2021
Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes of Slovak Telekom Group, see pages 14-17, 18, 32-24, 36, 61-62 etc.

b)    Slovak Telekom Annual Report 2022
Comprehensive reporting of subsidiaries, activities, employees, revenues, profits/losses and taxes of Slovak Telekom Group, see pages 14-18, 36-38, 55, 67-68 etc.

c)    Slovak Telekom annual report for 2023 to be published soon; check Slovak Telekom website Slovak Telekom

Additional information on each tax jurisdiction in which Deutsche Telekom operates, including names of all resident entities, primary activities, number of employees, revenue, profit (loss) before tax, income tax accrued (current year) and income tax paid are published as well at: Deutsche Telekom  Country-by-Country Reporting CbC 2022 and Country-by-Country Reporting CbC 2023


Governance July, 2023

Transparency disclosures on lobbying expenditures

As there is currently no comprehensive definition of lobbying expenses, we are guided by the applicable transparency requirements and publish the lobb...

As there is currently no comprehensive definition of lobbying expenses, we are guided by the applicable transparency requirements and publish the lobbying expenses
in Germany at federal level (in accordance with the “Act Introducing a Lobbying Register for the Representation of Special Interests vis-à vis the German Bundestag and the Federal Government [Lobbying Register Act – Lobbyregistergesetz”] -> and in the federal states of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria (according to the Transparency Register Act [TReg]in Baden-Württemberg -> and the Bavarian Lobby Register Act [BayLobbyRG] ->, in Brussels (in accordance with the "Agreement between the European Parliament and the European Commission on the transparency register for organizations and self-employed individuals engaged in EU policy-making and policy implementation" -> ) and in Washington for T-Mobile USA (in accordance with the "Lobbying Disclosure Act [LDA]" -> ).

We are guided by the principle of respecting the independence and integrity of our political interlocutors. For this reason, we welcomed the creation of the lobbying and transparency registers at European level and in Germany from the outset and accordingly registered as one of the first companies (EU) or on time (on February 28th, 2022 in Germany).

Lobbying expenditures 2022 in accordance with applicable transparency rules

Area covered by reporting requirements Lobbying expenditure (2022) Relevant transparency rule detailing legal requirements and respective definition of lobbying expenditures.
Deutsche Telekom AG / German Bundestag and Federal Government 2.660.000 EUR *) [1] Act Introducing a Lobbying Register for the Representation of Special Interests vis-à vis the German Bundestag and the Federal Government (Lobbying Register Act – Lobbyregistergesetz) [6]
Deutsche Telekom AG / State Parliament and State Government of Baden-Württemberg 65.000 EUR *) [2] Transparency Register Act (Transparenzregistergesetz – TRegG) [7]
Deutsche Telekom AG / Bavarian Parliament and Bavarian State Government 110.000 EUR *) [3] Bavarian Lobby Register Act (BayLobbyRG) [8]
Deutsche Telekom AG / European Parliament and European Commission 2.249.999 EUR *) [4] Interinstitutional Agreement of 20 May 2021 between the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission on a mandatory transparency register [9]
T-Mobile USA / Federal Government of the US 9.049.000 USD *) [5] Lobbying Disclosure Act (LDA) [10]


*) The various disclosures are not directly comparable with each other, as they refer to the legal requirements applicable in each case. If lobbying expenses are to be specified in a range according to the specifications of the respective register, the upper value of the range is given.

Social June, 2023

DT AG Health, Safety and Environment Management System and for Quality Management System

As a large corporation, Telekom assumes responsibility for environmental protection. Uniform environmental standards ensure that resource-saving behav...

As a large corporation, Telekom assumes responsibility for environmental protection. Uniform environmental standards ensure that resource-saving behavior is anchored in all processes and in the daily behavior of employees. To this end, the Group has implemented an HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) management system in all fully consolidated companies.
There are internationally recognized standards for environmental protection in companies, such as the ISO standards (standards of the International Organization for Standardization, ISO for short). These form the basis for environmental management at Telekom. This ensures that environmental policy is implemented uniformly throughout the Group.

Telekom in Germany has been working in accordance with the international standard ISO 14001 for environmental management systems since 1998. Compliance with the ISO standard enables, among other things, resources to be used more efficiently, energy to be saved and waste to be avoided. Employees help to further increase environmental friendliness with their own suggestions.

Telekom's commitment goes far beyond the issue of climate protection: Since 2010, a uniform Group-wide HSE management system has been in place. HSE stands for the three main topics of health, safety and environment. The international standards for occupational health and safety, environmental management and quality management serve as the basis for this.
Employees and experts from all Deutsche Telekom national companies regularly exchange information and jointly develop a comprehensive management system. Internal and external audits are conducted regularly to verify that the requirements of the HSE management system are consistently implemented in the company's day-to-day operations.

Here you can find the manual for our central Health, Safety and Environment Management System (HSE MS) of Deutsche Telekom Group. This means that it covers 100% of all Deutsche Telekom units.

Governance January, 2023

Migration to IP technology

The analogue transmission of phone-calls through PSTN-Technology is past tense. We have migrated all lines - in Germany as well as in European NatCos...

The analogue transmission of phone-calls through PSTN-Technology is past tense. We have migrated all lines - in Germany as well as in European NatCos - to IP-Technology and with that created the basis for fast internet-connections and more complex applications.

Enviroment January, 2023

Don’t buy, rent

We want to make sure that used routers and media receivers don’t just end up in the trash. That is why we promote the “Don’t buy, rent” approa...

We want to make sure that used routers and media receivers don’t just end up in the trash. That is why we promote the “Don’t buy, rent” approach. Our rental services conserve resources and reduce electronic waste, thus cutting CO2 emissions. When a contract is canceled, the customer returns the devices, which are then either refurbished and rented out again or professionally recycled. We have simplified the return process by introducing a returns portal. We advertise our rental service actively and successfully. The offer has been well received by our customers
the number of people using the rental service increased to just over 11,65 million by the end of 2022.

Governance November, 2022

Internet access on planes

Together with satellite company Inmarsat, Deutsche Telekom is offering the fastest inflight broadband service for European travelers. The European Avi...

Together with satellite company Inmarsat, Deutsche Telekom is offering the fastest inflight broadband service for European travelers.

The European Aviation Network (EAN) has been developed by Inmarsat and Deutsche Telekom in partnership with leading European companies such as Thales, Nokia, Airbus, and Cobham. It marks a paradigm shift in the airline passenger experience, with incomparable speeds, uninterrupted coverage and significantly lower latency than any other inflight Wi-Fi network in the continent.

The award-winning connectivity solution has been available to over 85 million passengers to date, travelling on more than 650.000 flights throughout Europe, covering key destinations such as London, Madrid, Barcelona, Geneva and Rome. EAN has now been activated in 275 aircraft and is currently available with British Airways, Iberia, Vueling and Aegean Airlines.

Governance October, 2022

All-round security for life in the digital world

Since the the Computerhilfe Plus service launch in 2016, the demand for support in matters related to digital security has continued to grow. That’...

Since the the Computerhilfe Plus service launch in 2016, the demand for support in matters related to digital security has continued to grow. That’s why we introduced the Digital Schutzpaket (Digital Protection Package) in 2018 and added the Digital Schutzpaket Business (Business Digital Protection Package) to this product at the end of 2019. The Digital Protection Package combines all relevant security services in one product and offers a central point of contact for all topics related to home networks and Wi-Fi, internet, and social media. A service number provides access to Deutsche Telekom experts for support on protecting the home network from external attacks, or help on the secure use of the internet, social networks, and passwords. In the event of data loss, we look after recovering files where possible. Other service components include financial protection from fraudulent use of bank details, fraud in private online trading, and protection and effective countermeasures against cyberbullying or insults on the internet. For business customers, reputation protection is also included, which supports the deletion of unstable negative ratings and provides tips on maintaining online reputation. ID-Alarm helps customers protect their digital identity and alerts them when stolen login data is found.

Enviroment October, 2022

Digital Solutions: The EU’s FENIX project – a platform for more efficient and climate-friendly logistics chains

FENIX = Federated European Network of Information eXchange in LogistiX Development of a European federated architecture for data sharing serving the E...

FENIX = Federated European Network of Information eXchange in LogistiX

Development of a European federated architecture for data sharing serving the European logistics community

- More transparency through real-time information

- Standardized interfaces for ETA, etc.

- Innovative software modules (SDK) from the cloud

- Intermodal transport solutions within EU guidelines

Development, testing and validating practice-relevant services, e.g.:

- Container arrival times (ETA)

- Digitization of customs systems

- CO2 monitoring

Project goals:

- Overcome the fragmented goods transportation causing economic bottlenecks in the EU member states

- Harmonize and optimize cross-border logistics along selected European transport corridors

- Establish ICT standards for seamless communication of cargo flow addressing all modes of transport


Partners with profound market knowledge develop an architecture for a collaborative IT environment bringing together logistics information systems on an operational level

Enviroment October, 2022

LCMM App (Low Carbon Mobility Management): Helps to improve individual, environmental-sensitive driving style

LCMM (Low Carbon Mobility Management) is a complete system developed for managing logistics fleets. DHL and DB Schenker, for example, use the patented...

LCMM (Low Carbon Mobility Management) is a complete system developed for managing logistics fleets. DHL and DB Schenker,
for example, use the patented system in China and Europe and have reduced harmful emissions by an average of 20 percent (saving of 468 kg CO2 per HGV within one month). Fuel costs also went down by as much as 15 percent. This solution starts by analyzing
individual driver behavior. The app helps drivers to develop a more environmentally focused driving style. A cloud backend with corresponding dashboards helps fleet operators to manage their vehicle fleets as efficiently as possible (including up-to-date positioning of each vehicle).

In 11/2020, LCMM has been awarded with the "#GreenMagenta" label of Deutsche Telekom.

Social April, 2022

Employee Satisfaction

Every two years we conduct our employee survey in order to obtain feedback from our employees, discover weaknesses, and implement suitable actions to...

Every two years we conduct our employee survey in order to obtain feedback from our employees, discover weaknesses, and implement suitable actions to eliminate those weaknesses. The analysis on team level and of other criteria (e.g. function, executives vs. leader vs. employee, gender, age group) support the derivation of fitting concrete improvement actions on all levels. Around 80% of all employees participated in the last employee survey, the share of men and woman - where gender was specified - complies approximately with gender proportion in the group (participation rate man around 65%, women around 31% and diverse around 1%).

In addition to the employee survey, we also gauge employee satisfaction every six months through a pulse survey. This helps us obtain a current snapshot of the mood at the company and verify whether the introduced actions have been successful. This lets us make quick adjustments if necessary. The pulse survey in May 2021 saw a 77% response rate among the group.

Social October, 2021

Achieving more together: international collaboration

How can international corporations put sustainability strategies into practice across borders? Deutsche Telekom employs CR managers for the relevant b...

How can international corporations put sustainability strategies into practice across borders? Deutsche Telekom employs CR managers for the relevant business segments and national companies to reach this goal. They use the CR Manager Network to regularly share best practices and discuss new challenges, thereby jointly promoting essential CR issues. The central Group Corporate Responsibility (GCR) department is responsible for managing the network. In the year 2021, the CR Manager Network encompassed more than 100 CR Manager from 34 subsidiaries based in 20 countries across the globe. 

The participants are regularly invited to virtual meetings and capacity building calls by Group Corporate Responsibility. In 2021, content and likely implications of the EU Green Deal were discussed as well as progress within the #GreenMagenta programs and the new strategic stream "Positive impact on society" defined by the EU segment. Furthermore, the network members could gain insights into issues like Impact measurement and the future of a greener mobility.

Social June, 2021

Telekom supports the UN LGBT+ Standards of Conduct for Business

Deutsche Telekom AG supports the United Nations Standards of Conduct for Business to tackle discrimination against lesbian, gay, bi, trans and interse...

Deutsche Telekom AG supports the United Nations Standards of Conduct for Business to tackle discrimination against lesbian, gay, bi, trans and intersex (LGBT+, + Plus sign stands for not excluding anyone ) people. “We are promoting an environment of mutual respect, tolerance and diversity. We stand up for human rights and promote openness and understanding in a digitalized and networked world. I am very pleased that we have adopted the UN's global LGBT+ Standards of Conduct for business,” said Birgit Klesper, Senior Vice President Corporate Responsibility.

Since 2000, Deutsche Telekom AG has been a member of the UN Global Compact, and is expressly committed to the United Nations Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights. “In joining 240 of the early supporters of the UN Global LGBT+ Standards for Business, Deutsche Telekom is sending a powerful signal to the ICT industry and beyond. As a responsible company, Deutsche Telekom is dedicated to respecting and protecting human rights including those of LGBT+ people.” said Fabrice Houdart, United Nations Human Rights Officer and co-author of the Standards. MagentaPride, the Group's LGBT+ employee network, is proud that Deutsche Telekom expressing its engagement to human rights by drawing the standards of conduct for business - tackling discrimination against lesbian, gay, bi, trans, & intersex people.

Social June, 2021

Telekom supports the UN LGBT+ Standards of Conduct for Business

Deutsche Telekom AG supports the United Nations Standards of Conduct for Business to tackle discrimination against lesbian, gay, bi, trans and interse...

Deutsche Telekom AG supports the United Nations Standards of Conduct for Business to tackle discrimination against lesbian, gay, bi, trans and intersex (LGBT+, + Plus sign stands for not excluding anyone ) people. “We are promoting an environment of mutual respect, tolerance and diversity. We stand up for human rights and promote openness and understanding in a digitalized and networked world. I am very pleased that we have adopted the UN's global LGBT+ Standards of Conduct for business,” said Birgit Klesper, Senior Vice President Corporate Responsibility.

Since 2000, Deutsche Telekom AG has been a member of the UN Global Compact, and is expressly committed to the United Nations Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights. “In joining 240 of the early supporters of the UN Global LGBT+ Standards for Business, Deutsche Telekom is sending a powerful signal to the ICT industry and beyond. As a responsible company, Deutsche Telekom is dedicated to respecting and protecting human rights including those of LGBT+ people.” said Fabrice Houdart, United Nations Human Rights Officer and co-author of the Standards. MagentaPride, the Group's LGBT+ employee network, is proud that Deutsche Telekom expressing its engagement to human rights by drawing the standards of conduct for business - tackling discrimination against lesbian, gay, bi, trans, & intersex people.

Social April, 2021

Employee Satisfaction

Every two years we conduct our employee survey in order to obatin feedback from our employees, discover weaknesses, and implement suitable actions to...

Every two years we conduct our employee survey in order to obatin feedback from our employees, discover weaknesses, and implement suitable actions to eliminate those weaknesses. The analysis on team level and of other criteria (e.g. function, executives vs. leader vs. employee, gender, age group) support the derivation of fitting concrete improvement actions on all levels. Around 76% of all employees participated in the last employee survey, the share of men and woman - where gender was specified - complies approximately with gender proportion in the group (participation rate man around 67%, women around 32% and for the first time diverse around 1%).

In addition to the employee survey, we also gauge employee satisfaction every six months through a pulse survey. This helps us obtain a current snapshot of the mood at the company and verify whether the introduced actions have been successful. This lets us make quick adjustments if necessary. The pulse survey in November 2020 saw a 77% response rate among the group.


Governance March, 2020

Digital health care system: Our solutions

In addition to customer projects, we are also developing our own solutions for digital health care. Our telehealth platform is being used by increasin...

In addition to customer projects, we are also developing our own solutions for digital health care.
Our telehealth platform is being used by increasing numbers of participants in Germany. The platform is based on the first Europe-wide open, trans-regional network, East Saxony CCS Telehealth (THOS). It allows patients, doctors, hospitals, nursing staff, pharmacies, and health insurers in a given region to exchange information over a specially encrypted data network. In April 2018, we presented the new “Teleneurologie Parkinson” application at the world’s largest health care IT trade fair ConhIT: In addition to the family doctor or neurologist, the new solution also allows patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease to consult with a teleneurologist.
Our Telekom Healthcare Cloud (THC) provides health professionals with a reliable and simple path toward the digital transformation of their work structures. One of our customers in this area is Gesundheit Nordhessen Holding (GNH). We support the group of hospitals by providing our cloud for its daily work.

Enviroment January, 2020

Together against conflict resources

Telekom has been supporting the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) since 2008. The RMI is the largest initiative in the economy for responsible raw...

Telekom has been supporting the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) since 2008. The RMI is the largest initiative in the economy for responsible raw material procurement. Its aim is to identify conflict raw materials and to prevent their extraction and trading with them. The RMI goes back to a working group founded in 2008 by the Global enabling Sustainability Initiative and Responsible Business Alliance for the sustainable extraction of raw materials. Since then, the number of metalworking and smelting companies that participate in the RMI has grown steadily.

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