
Artificial intelligence
Privacy and data security
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Strategy & guidelines
Governance May, 2022

Action in case of violations of data protection rules, legal obligations/regulations and policies

With the internal policy “Binding Corporate Rules Privacy (BCRP)”, the Deutsche Telekom Group is creating a standardized and high level of data pr...

With the internal policy “Binding Corporate Rules Privacy (BCRP)”, the Deutsche Telekom Group is creating a standardized and high level of data privacy worldwide, applicable to the processing of personal data. Any breaches of rules, legal obligations, or of internal policies (like the Binding Corporate Rules Privacy BCRP) and regulations may have serious consequences not only for the individuals committing them, but also for Deutsche Telekom. Therefore based on the “Code of Conduct of Deutsche Telekom, deliberate misconduct will not be tolerated. Without any exception, Deutsche Telekom will severely sanction any such misconduct or violation against legal provisions. In doing so Deutsche Telekom will take no account of the employee’s rank or position within the company.

Social April, 2022

Employee Satisfaction

Every two years we conduct our employee survey in order to obtain feedback from our employees, discover weaknesses, and implement suitable actions to...

Every two years we conduct our employee survey in order to obtain feedback from our employees, discover weaknesses, and implement suitable actions to eliminate those weaknesses. The analysis on team level and of other criteria (e.g. function, executives vs. leader vs. employee, gender, age group) support the derivation of fitting concrete improvement actions on all levels. Around 80% of all employees participated in the last employee survey, the share of men and woman - where gender was specified - complies approximately with gender proportion in the group (participation rate man around 65%, women around 31% and diverse around 1%).

In addition to the employee survey, we also gauge employee satisfaction every six months through a pulse survey. This helps us obtain a current snapshot of the mood at the company and verify whether the introduced actions have been successful. This lets us make quick adjustments if necessary. The pulse survey in May 2021 saw a 77% response rate among the group.

Social October, 2021

Achieving more together: international collaboration

How can international corporations put sustainability strategies into practice across borders? Deutsche Telekom employs CR managers for the relevant b...

How can international corporations put sustainability strategies into practice across borders? Deutsche Telekom employs CR managers for the relevant business segments and national companies to reach this goal. They use the CR Manager Network to regularly share best practices and discuss new challenges, thereby jointly promoting essential CR issues. The central Group Corporate Responsibility (GCR) department is responsible for managing the network. In the year 2021, the CR Manager Network encompassed more than 100 CR Manager from 34 subsidiaries based in 20 countries across the globe. 

The participants are regularly invited to virtual meetings and capacity building calls by Group Corporate Responsibility. In 2021, content and likely implications of the EU Green Deal were discussed as well as progress within the #GreenMagenta programs and the new strategic stream "Positive impact on society" defined by the EU segment. Furthermore, the network members could gain insights into issues like Impact measurement and the future of a greener mobility.

Enviroment October, 2021

“IT remarketing” project

Our “IT remarketing” project involves reconditioning our used IT hardware to make it suitable for further use. We continue to maintain our partner...

Our “IT remarketing” project involves reconditioning our used IT hardware to make it suitable for further use. We continue to maintain our partnership with “AfB gemeinnützige GmbH”, which offers job opportunities to people with disabilities. Within the scope of this partnership, we are giving some of our used IT hardware (e.g. laptops) to the organization for reconditioning and reselling. This will support us to save resources and to create jobs for people with disabilities as well as extend the life cycle of our used hardware.

Social June, 2021

Telekom supports the UN LGBT+ Standards of Conduct for Business

Deutsche Telekom AG supports the United Nations Standards of Conduct for Business to tackle discrimination against lesbian, gay, bi, trans and interse...

Deutsche Telekom AG supports the United Nations Standards of Conduct for Business to tackle discrimination against lesbian, gay, bi, trans and intersex (LGBT+, + Plus sign stands for not excluding anyone ) people. “We are promoting an environment of mutual respect, tolerance and diversity. We stand up for human rights and promote openness and understanding in a digitalized and networked world. I am very pleased that we have adopted the UN's global LGBT+ Standards of Conduct for business,” said Birgit Klesper, Senior Vice President Corporate Responsibility.

Since 2000, Deutsche Telekom AG has been a member of the UN Global Compact, and is expressly committed to the United Nations Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights. “In joining 240 of the early supporters of the UN Global LGBT+ Standards for Business, Deutsche Telekom is sending a powerful signal to the ICT industry and beyond. As a responsible company, Deutsche Telekom is dedicated to respecting and protecting human rights including those of LGBT+ people.” said Fabrice Houdart, United Nations Human Rights Officer and co-author of the Standards. MagentaPride, the Group's LGBT+ employee network, is proud that Deutsche Telekom expressing its engagement to human rights by drawing the standards of conduct for business - tackling discrimination against lesbian, gay, bi, trans, & intersex people.

Social June, 2021

Telekom supports the UN LGBT+ Standards of Conduct for Business

Deutsche Telekom AG supports the United Nations Standards of Conduct for Business to tackle discrimination against lesbian, gay, bi, trans and interse...

Deutsche Telekom AG supports the United Nations Standards of Conduct for Business to tackle discrimination against lesbian, gay, bi, trans and intersex (LGBT+, + Plus sign stands for not excluding anyone ) people. “We are promoting an environment of mutual respect, tolerance and diversity. We stand up for human rights and promote openness and understanding in a digitalized and networked world. I am very pleased that we have adopted the UN's global LGBT+ Standards of Conduct for business,” said Birgit Klesper, Senior Vice President Corporate Responsibility.

Since 2000, Deutsche Telekom AG has been a member of the UN Global Compact, and is expressly committed to the United Nations Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights. “In joining 240 of the early supporters of the UN Global LGBT+ Standards for Business, Deutsche Telekom is sending a powerful signal to the ICT industry and beyond. As a responsible company, Deutsche Telekom is dedicated to respecting and protecting human rights including those of LGBT+ people.” said Fabrice Houdart, United Nations Human Rights Officer and co-author of the Standards. MagentaPride, the Group's LGBT+ employee network, is proud that Deutsche Telekom expressing its engagement to human rights by drawing the standards of conduct for business - tackling discrimination against lesbian, gay, bi, trans, & intersex people.

Social April, 2021

Employee Satisfaction

Every two years we conduct our employee survey in order to obatin feedback from our employees, discover weaknesses, and implement suitable actions to...

Every two years we conduct our employee survey in order to obatin feedback from our employees, discover weaknesses, and implement suitable actions to eliminate those weaknesses. The analysis on team level and of other criteria (e.g. function, executives vs. leader vs. employee, gender, age group) support the derivation of fitting concrete improvement actions on all levels. Around 76% of all employees participated in the last employee survey, the share of men and woman - where gender was specified - complies approximately with gender proportion in the group (participation rate man around 67%, women around 32% and for the first time diverse around 1%).

In addition to the employee survey, we also gauge employee satisfaction every six months through a pulse survey. This helps us obtain a current snapshot of the mood at the company and verify whether the introduced actions have been successful. This lets us make quick adjustments if necessary. The pulse survey in November 2020 saw a 77% response rate among the group.


Governance January, 2021

Digital health care system: Deutsche Telekom as a project partner

We are helping shape the digital health care system with numerous pilot projects. • We are involved as a project partner in developing a solution fo...

We are helping shape the digital health care system with numerous pilot projects.
• We are involved as a project partner in developing a solution for antibiotic treatment consultation at the St. Georg Hospital in Leipzig. The primary goal is to enable fast, secure data exchange between doctors, patients, and health insurers. The State of Saxony sponsored the project with over 1.2 million euros at the beginning of 2017. It will initially run until mid-2019.
• The main objective of the “Psychological Trauma Telehealth Network for Saxony (Tele-NePS)” project is to sustainably improve the integrated treatment chain for post-traumatic stress disorders. The goal is to enable those affected to access the treatment network, make expertise universally available, and guarantee cross-institution documentation and coordination. The EU and the State of Saxony will be funding the project, which will run until 2020, with 1.4 million euros.
• Under the auspices of a 10-year partnership, we are helping Kliniken Essen-Mitte (KEM) to drive forward the digitalization of its hospitals. By January 1, 2019, we had replaced the existing hospital information system with our iMedOne solution at two of the clinic’s locations.

Social October, 2020

Skills management in the digital age: skillsUP!

There are 5,500 different job descriptions at Deutsche Telekom in Germany alone. As digitalization progresses, many of them no longer match the tasks...

There are 5,500 different job descriptions at Deutsche Telekom in Germany alone. As digitalization progresses, many of them no longer match the tasks and skills now required.
The skillsUP! program launched in 2018 aims to cut the number of job profiles to less than 1,000 and adapt them so that they last for the next three to five years. However, skillsUP! involves more than just modernizing job profiles. The new, up-to-date job descriptions are linked to the Group’s skills management so as to ensure holistic, integrated HR planning, make it easier to identify possible gaps in required skills, initiate training measures, or advertise new jobs. Deutsche Telekom is the first large German company to have such a mechanism. skillsUP! is the Group-wide implementation of several pilot projects that have been conducted since 2016.

Governance March, 2020

Implementation of the EU General Data Protection Regulation

After being enacted in May 2016, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has had a binding effect since May 25, 2018. Deutsche Telekom implem...

After being enacted in May 2016, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has had a binding effect since May 25, 2018. Deutsche Telekom implemented the requirements contained therein in a three-stage, EU-wide project:

  • Preparation: Group Privacy drew up a set of standardized rules, known as Binding Interpretations, that apply to the entire Group. They were developed in collaboration with the national companies. The Binding Interpretations include specific recommendations and best practice examples to implement the EU regulation.
  • Implementation: From January 2017 to May 25, 2018, the new requirements based on the Binding Interpretations were introduced throughout the Group. This involved checking and, where necessary, adjusting all the IT systems. All employees were made aware of the General Data Protection Regulation, and more than 10,000 experts received intensive training.
  • Evaluation: The implementation period was followed by a review phase during which all affected Group entities were asked whether they had put all relevant requirements into action. In addition to this, GDPR compliance was randomly inspected at 28 companies.

Governance March, 2020

Digital health care system: Our solutions

In addition to customer projects, we are also developing our own solutions for digital health care. Our telehealth platform is being used by increasin...

In addition to customer projects, we are also developing our own solutions for digital health care.
Our telehealth platform is being used by increasing numbers of participants in Germany. The platform is based on the first Europe-wide open, trans-regional network, East Saxony CCS Telehealth (THOS). It allows patients, doctors, hospitals, nursing staff, pharmacies, and health insurers in a given region to exchange information over a specially encrypted data network. In April 2018, we presented the new “Teleneurologie Parkinson” application at the world’s largest health care IT trade fair ConhIT: In addition to the family doctor or neurologist, the new solution also allows patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease to consult with a teleneurologist.
Our Telekom Healthcare Cloud (THC) provides health professionals with a reliable and simple path toward the digital transformation of their work structures. One of our customers in this area is Gesundheit Nordhessen Holding (GNH). We support the group of hospitals by providing our cloud for its daily work.

Governance January, 2020

Supporting start-ups: Creating space for ideas

As the leading startup program of Deutsche Telekom, the telcotech incubator hubraum connects external startups with business units in our group to jo...

As the leading startup program of Deutsche Telekom, the telcotech incubator hubraum connects external startups with business units in our group to jointly offer innovative products for our private and business customers. In addition, hubraum offers startups early-stage financing from their own investment fund and targeted innovation programs with a view to the strategic growth areas and technologies of Deutsche Telekom.

Since the founding of hubraum in 2012, hubraum has built up a strategic investment portfolio of over 25 companies and closely collaborated with over 300 start-ups from Europe and Israel in areas such as Future Connectivity (e.g. 5G, Edge Cloud, AI, NBIoT), Connected Life and Work (e.g. smart home, AR/VR, industrial IoT) and the "Next Next" (e.g. blockchain). The hubraum Campus in Berlin has been expanded with one of the first 5G networks in Europe and edge cloud infrastructure. In addition to co-working office space and mentoring, startups can now also have exclusive access to Deutsche Telekom's networks, product platforms and test data to accelerate their business development. 

In 2019, 16 projects from our Edge and 5G prototyping programs were implemented on the new infrastructure. These will be continued in 2020.
In the same period, five projects of the consumer IoT eSIM program have been implemented. They will be marketed in 2020 as products of the national companies of DT.

Governance January, 2020

Hubraum projects

• For 2020, hubraum has announced the Tech Award: Sustainability in 5G Challenge. With this, hubraum starts to make the ecosystem a more environmen...

• For 2020, hubraum has announced the Tech Award: Sustainability in 5G Challenge. With this, hubraum starts to make the ecosystem a more environmentally-friendly place by meeting 5G’s increased demand for energy sustainably — with the help of cocreation.
• Neebo, a start-up from Great Britain and participant of the hubraum Consumer IoT eSIM program, has developed a sensor wristband for babies. It allows the child’s vital signs, such as breathing and pulse, to be monitored via smartphone.
• Safety is one of the main reasons why driver assistants and systems for autonomous driving are constantly being improved.  For these assistance systems (e.g. video, 3D point clouds and telematic) to function properly, a lot of sensor data is required. The startup Teraki - a hubraum investment - is developing software that significantly reduces the energy consumption that arises when processing these sensor data.

Social January, 2020

Commitment to the Diversity Charter

The Diversity Charter is an independent economic initiative that is supported by around 3300 companies and institutions in Germany. Its goal is to pro...

The Diversity Charter is an independent economic initiative that is supported by around 3300 companies and institutions in Germany. Its goal is to promote the recognition, appreciation, and inclusion of diversity in everyday working life in Germany, creating a work environment that is free of prejudice. Deutsche Telekom is a founding member of the initiative.
As in past years, we participated in the seventh nationwide German Diversity Day in 2019. In addition to a conference with around 150 managers from partner companies in the Rhine-Ruhr network participated, the Deutsche Telekom headquarters in Bonn hosted a exhibition with fact, figures and statements from Board Members and employees to show how diverse DTAG is.

Governance January, 2020

IoT: Roambee – “bees” make the logistics chain transparent

Since the beginning of 2017, we have offered businesses a solution for tracking and locating deliveries and assets and for monitoring the status of go...

Since the beginning of 2017, we have offered businesses a solution for tracking and locating deliveries and assets and for monitoring the status of goods: Shipment & Asset Monitoring powered by Roambee. A “bee” equipped with sensors is attached to the consignment to record information such as temperature, humidity, light, and movement and store this information in the cloud. The bee measures all information in in defined timeframes. A web portal gives users anytime access to a full overview including the device status, location, and details on deliveries and assets.
