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Social October, 2021

Achieving more together: international collaboration

How can international corporations put sustainability strategies into practice across borders? Deutsche Telekom employs CR managers for the relevant b...

How can international corporations put sustainability strategies into practice across borders? Deutsche Telekom employs CR managers for the relevant business segments and national companies to reach this goal. They use the CR Manager Network to regularly share best practices and discuss new challenges, thereby jointly promoting essential CR issues. The central Group Corporate Responsibility (GCR) department is responsible for managing the network. In the year 2021, the CR Manager Network encompassed more than 100 CR Manager from 34 subsidiaries based in 20 countries across the globe. 

The participants are regularly invited to virtual meetings and capacity building calls by Group Corporate Responsibility. In 2021, content and likely implications of the EU Green Deal were discussed as well as progress within the #GreenMagenta programs and the new strategic stream "Positive impact on society" defined by the EU segment. Furthermore, the network members could gain insights into issues like Impact measurement and the future of a greener mobility.

Enviroment October, 2021

“IT remarketing” project

Our “IT remarketing” project involves reconditioning our used IT hardware to make it suitable for further use. We continue to maintain our partner...

Our “IT remarketing” project involves reconditioning our used IT hardware to make it suitable for further use. We continue to maintain our partnership with “AfB gemeinnützige GmbH”, which offers job opportunities to people with disabilities. Within the scope of this partnership, we are giving some of our used IT hardware (e.g. laptops) to the organization for reconditioning and reselling. This will support us to save resources and to create jobs for people with disabilities as well as extend the life cycle of our used hardware.

Social June, 2021

Telekom supports the UN LGBT+ Standards of Conduct for Business

Deutsche Telekom AG supports the United Nations Standards of Conduct for Business to tackle discrimination against lesbian, gay, bi, trans and interse...

Deutsche Telekom AG supports the United Nations Standards of Conduct for Business to tackle discrimination against lesbian, gay, bi, trans and intersex (LGBT+, + Plus sign stands for not excluding anyone ) people. “We are promoting an environment of mutual respect, tolerance and diversity. We stand up for human rights and promote openness and understanding in a digitalized and networked world. I am very pleased that we have adopted the UN's global LGBT+ Standards of Conduct for business,” said Birgit Klesper, Senior Vice President Corporate Responsibility.

Since 2000, Deutsche Telekom AG has been a member of the UN Global Compact, and is expressly committed to the United Nations Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights. “In joining 240 of the early supporters of the UN Global LGBT+ Standards for Business, Deutsche Telekom is sending a powerful signal to the ICT industry and beyond. As a responsible company, Deutsche Telekom is dedicated to respecting and protecting human rights including those of LGBT+ people.” said Fabrice Houdart, United Nations Human Rights Officer and co-author of the Standards. MagentaPride, the Group's LGBT+ employee network, is proud that Deutsche Telekom expressing its engagement to human rights by drawing the standards of conduct for business - tackling discrimination against lesbian, gay, bi, trans, & intersex people.

Social June, 2021

Telekom supports the UN LGBT+ Standards of Conduct for Business

Deutsche Telekom AG supports the United Nations Standards of Conduct for Business to tackle discrimination against lesbian, gay, bi, trans and interse...

Deutsche Telekom AG supports the United Nations Standards of Conduct for Business to tackle discrimination against lesbian, gay, bi, trans and intersex (LGBT+, + Plus sign stands for not excluding anyone ) people. “We are promoting an environment of mutual respect, tolerance and diversity. We stand up for human rights and promote openness and understanding in a digitalized and networked world. I am very pleased that we have adopted the UN's global LGBT+ Standards of Conduct for business,” said Birgit Klesper, Senior Vice President Corporate Responsibility.

Since 2000, Deutsche Telekom AG has been a member of the UN Global Compact, and is expressly committed to the United Nations Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights. “In joining 240 of the early supporters of the UN Global LGBT+ Standards for Business, Deutsche Telekom is sending a powerful signal to the ICT industry and beyond. As a responsible company, Deutsche Telekom is dedicated to respecting and protecting human rights including those of LGBT+ people.” said Fabrice Houdart, United Nations Human Rights Officer and co-author of the Standards. MagentaPride, the Group's LGBT+ employee network, is proud that Deutsche Telekom expressing its engagement to human rights by drawing the standards of conduct for business - tackling discrimination against lesbian, gay, bi, trans, & intersex people.

Social May, 2021

Statement on Sexual Harassment

Deutsche Telekom is committed to providing a safe environment for all its employees free from discrimination on any ground and from harassment at work...

Deutsche Telekom is committed to providing a safe environment for all its employees free from discrimination on any ground and from harassment at work including sexual harassment. We are committed to a zero-tolerance regarding any form of sexual harassment in the workplace. We treat all incidents seriously and promptly investigate all allegations of sexual harassment. Any person found to have sexually harassed another will face disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from employment. All complaints of sexual harassment will be taken seriously and treated with respect and in confidence. No one will be victimized for making such a complaint. Furthermore, we offer a groupwide human rights training for all our employees. The topic sexual harassment is included in the training.

Social May, 2021

Statement of Sexual Harassment

Deutsche Telekom is committed to providing a safe environment for all its employees free from discrimination on any ground and from harassment at work...

Deutsche Telekom is committed to providing a safe environment for all its employees free from

discrimination on any ground and from harassment at work including sexual harassment. We are committed to a zero-tolerance regarding any form of sexual harassment in the workplace. We treat all incidents seriously and promptly investigate all allegations of sexual harassment. Any person found to have sexually harassed another will face disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from employment. All complaints of sexual harassment will be taken seriously and treated with respect and in confidence. No one will be victimized for making such a complaint. Furthermore, we offer a groupwide human rights training for all our employees. The topic sexual harassment is included in the training.

Enviroment January, 2020

Together against conflict resources

Telekom has been supporting the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) since 2008. The RMI is the largest initiative in the economy for responsible raw...

Telekom has been supporting the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) since 2008. The RMI is the largest initiative in the economy for responsible raw material procurement. Its aim is to identify conflict raw materials and to prevent their extraction and trading with them. The RMI goes back to a working group founded in 2008 by the Global enabling Sustainability Initiative and Responsible Business Alliance for the sustainable extraction of raw materials. Since then, the number of metalworking and smelting companies that participate in the RMI has grown steadily.

Social January, 2020

Conflict-free Sourcing Initiative

ICT products can contain processed minerals, some of which are mined under inhumane, illegal conditions. The proceeds are often used to finance civil...

ICT products can contain processed minerals, some of which are mined under inhumane, illegal conditions. The proceeds are often used to finance civil wars in Africa. Telekom is committed to ensuring that the devices it trades do not contain any raw materials produced under critical conditions. It supports the efforts of the Responsible Minerals Initiative, which is committed to responsible raw material extraction and procurement. Their central instrument is the Conflict-Free Smelter Program and the corresponding Smelter Database, which is used to control the metalworking and smelting plants (Smelter). Independent auditors check whether the raw materials obtained come from responsible sources and create publicly available audit reports for each processed metal. To make it easier to report abuses, there are contact addresses where whistleblowers can submit their information anonymously.

Social January, 2020

Unser Diversity Engagement zahlt sich aus.

After Telekom signed the UN Women Empowerment principles in 2015, we also signed the UN LGBT standards in 2019. For our work on equality, we received...

After Telekom signed the UN Women Empowerment principles in 2015, we also signed the UN LGBT standards in 2019. For our work on equality, we received the Female Recruiting Award at women @ work fair in 2019. The magazine Brigitte honored Deutsche Telekom as one of the best employers for women and in the "Gender Diversity Index" of the Boston Consulting Group Deutsche Telekom achieved first place in the DAX 30 companies.

Social January, 2020

Unser Diversity Engagement zahlt sich aus.

After Telekom signed the UN Women Empowerment principles in 2015, we also signed the UN LGBT standards in 2019. For our work on equality, we received...

After Telekom signed the UN Women Empowerment principles in 2015, we also signed the UN LGBT standards in 2019. For our work on equality, we received the Female Recruiting Award at women @ work fair in 2019. The magazine Brigitte honored Deutsche Telekom as one of the best employers for women and in the "Gender Diversity Index" of the Boston Consulting Group Deutsche Telekom achieved first place in the DAX 30 companies.

Social January, 2020

Training program prepares for supervisory board positions

In 2014 we became the first DAX company to develop a training program to prepare employees for supervisory board positions. The program was developed...

In 2014 we became the first DAX company to develop a training program to prepare employees for supervisory board positions. The program was developed in collaboration with the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT). We are particularly interested in encouraging women to take a seat on the supervisory board. In addition to information on the traditional activities of supervisory board members, the training also provided insight into practical experiences presented by supervisory board members, case studies from the Group, and a simulated supervisory board meeting.
We also offered additional workshops for former program participants on topics such as “What’s new in corporate governance” and leadership networks.

Social January, 2020

Employee diversity networks

Many of our employees are involved in addressing various aspects of diversity, for example as members of the numerous women’s networks that have bee...

Many of our employees are involved in addressing various aspects of diversity, for example as members of the numerous women’s networks that have been established within the Group thanks to their commitment. Another internal initiative is MagentaPride, a network of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual employees. Established in 2002, it is committed to eliminating prejudices and promoting diversity. The network supports the LGBT community, answers questions, and assists with difficult situations in day-to-day life. MagentaPride goes to pride parades together and also organizes diversity days and workshops. In recent years, around 250 employees have represented MagentaPride at ColognePride.

Social January, 2020

European Diversity Pledge

In 2018, we signed the European Diversity Pledge part of the “Embrace Difference” initiative set up by the European Round Table of Industrialists...

In 2018, we signed the European Diversity Pledge – part of the “Embrace Difference” initiative set up by the European Round Table of Industrialists. More than 50 companies are among the signatories. They pledge to create an environment in which all employees can achieve their full potential.

Social January, 2020

Commitment to the Diversity Charter

The Diversity Charter is an independent economic initiative that is supported by around 3300 companies and institutions in Germany. Its goal is to pro...

The Diversity Charter is an independent economic initiative that is supported by around 3300 companies and institutions in Germany. Its goal is to promote the recognition, appreciation, and inclusion of diversity in everyday working life in Germany, creating a work environment that is free of prejudice. Deutsche Telekom is a founding member of the initiative.
As in past years, we participated in the seventh nationwide German Diversity Day in 2019. In addition to a conference with around 150 managers from partner companies in the Rhine-Ruhr network participated, the Deutsche Telekom headquarters in Bonn hosted a exhibition with fact, figures and statements from Board Members and employees to show how diverse DTAG is.

Governance January, 2020

IoT: Roambee – “bees” make the logistics chain transparent

Since the beginning of 2017, we have offered businesses a solution for tracking and locating deliveries and assets and for monitoring the status of go...

Since the beginning of 2017, we have offered businesses a solution for tracking and locating deliveries and assets and for monitoring the status of goods: Shipment & Asset Monitoring powered by Roambee. A “bee” equipped with sensors is attached to the consignment to record information such as temperature, humidity, light, and movement and store this information in the cloud. The bee measures all information in in defined timeframes. A web portal gives users anytime access to a full overview including the device status, location, and details on deliveries and assets.
