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Status 2022

Totally connected

When the alarm clock goes off in the morning, many of us are immediately “on”. With eyes barely open, we reach out to the bedside table where our smartphone is. And we consume the first information of the day before we even get out of bed.
Always being up to date, responding fast – it’s a given for many people today, but it’s also stressful. We think we have to be available constantly. And not just at home, but also at work. According to a study by the Institute of Labor Economics from 2018, employees in Germany spend an average of up to five hours of their free time each week on job-related activities: reading emails, answering phone calls, researching something online ... More and more, faster and faster – might the result be sickness? To ensure it doesn’t come to that, we at Deutsche Telekom rely primarily on prevention: for instance, by offering seminars or coaching on topics such as mindfulness and self-care – also in the context of digital media. Our managers play an important role in such efforts, as multipliers. The measures are part of our company health management scheme. We have received several awards for our carefully targeted range measures for occupational health and safety and preventive health care, including the “Corporate Health Award,” which declared us the most socially sustainable employer in the information and communications technology sector. The award honors companies that go above and beyond for the health of their employees and pursue forward-looking, sustainable HR strategies.


According to a 2018 study by the Institute of Labor Economics, employees in Germany spend an average of up to five hours of their free time each week on job-related activities.

What we do

From flu vaccines to stress coaching – our company health management scheme offers a wide range of options. Here are several examples from Europe:

Health check

All employees are entitled to yearly medical check-ups by a company physician, free of charge. The check-ups consist of a physical examination, a full blood panel, identification of personal risk factors, and explanation of the findings. If necessary, a referral to a specialist will also be made.

Flu vaccine

We offer our employees free flu shots. The quadrivalent flu vaccine delivered by the shots offers comprehensive protection against the seasonal influenza viruses.

Colon cancer

We offer our employees aged 45 and older the opportunity to have free colon cancer screening once a year; if there is a family history, the screening can be done at any age. Family members can also take advantage of this offer for a small fee.

Physical activity

Mobile personal trainers join the teams – either on-site or virtually – and demonstrate simple exercises. We also offer stationary bikes that can be pushed up to desks. Larger locations have physiotherapy centers, and we also cooperate with fitness studios. Furthermore, various fitness offerings can be accessed online at any time.


Job-related stress or family conflicts? In these cases, our employees can take advantage of a consulting service by phone or personal coaching – always strictly confidential. We also offer seminars on topics such as the ability to recover, boosting resilience, and healthy management.

First aid

First aid can save lives in emergency situations. All Deutsche Telekom locations in Germany have first aiders, who receive regular training. In an emergency situation, they can be called fast using our “Mighty Helper” app. There are also first aiders at other European national companies, for example at DT IT Solutions in Slovakia They receive interactive first aid and resuscitation training every year.

working practices

Sitting for long periods at work can lead to health problems. That’s why ergonomic workstations are regularly inspected at Deutsche Telekom. These efforts in Germany are supported by health and safety specialists. Employees also receive guidance on how to protect their health when they are working away from the office – i.e. at home or on the road. Our national companies also offer preventative health care. The programs offered by T-Mobile in the Czech Republic for example, include online courses on how to prevent back pain.

An app for healthier living and working?

Some predict the weather, others are virtual department stores: We have apps for every conceivable purpose. But can they also help us live and work in a more healthy and conscious manner? To find out, we have been offering health apps since 2018, in the framework of our “Digitalization and health” project. One such app, for example, is called “FITMIT5.” The app, which we have made available to employees throughout the entire company, guides users in conditioning/stretching workouts and in relaxation sessions with yoga and meditation. Since 2022, we have also been offering the app to our business customers, on a monthly subscription basis. It adds to our range of digital health services, which covers topics such as mindfulness and resilience, along with general fitness.

Getting better and better

How successful are we with our measures to improve occupational health and safety? In gauging our success in this area, we don’t just rely on performance indicators – we also ask our employees directly. For instance, by using a regular risk assessment for emotional stress we can determine if our employees are suffering from workplace stress and whether sufficient resources are available for them. Data is collected every two years as part of our Group-wide employee survey. It gives our managers important insights they can use to initiate improvement measures and further develop their teams. A follow-up process takes place after each employee survey. Based on the results, we recommend measures that teams can take to stay healthy and productive. These measures are documented and their effectiveness is reviewed.


Our health rate in 2022 was 93.8 percent (including employees on extended sick leave). It indicates the percentage of planned working time our employees actually worked.

Health in figures

How much of their working time, percentage-wise, do our employees actually spend at the workplace – and how often are they sick? This is revealed by the health rate. The higher it is, the better. Our health-rate target for our operations in Germany – and including our employees on extended sick leave – was 93.8 percent. With these results, we have achieved our Group-wide goal, for 2022, of keeping our health rate at the high level seen in the previous year.

When we feel well, we are also better friends, partners, and parents. By promoting the health and health awareness of our employees, we are making a contribution to society that goes beyond company boundaries.